Guidance Counsellors:
Ms. Tracy Lambie Grade 9 &11
Book an appointment with Ms. Lambie click here
Ms. Tricia Lebel Grade 10 & 12
Book an appointment with Ms. Lebel click here
Office Hours:
Monday - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Wednesday - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Thursday - 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Friday - 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
** NOTE: The Guidance Department and Administration are only available during school days. On PD, PL, and holidays, the counsellor's office is closed and the Admin is unavailable.
How to get started, basic info., building a base of understanding.
Helpful thoughts for Grade 12
- 1st Applied 1st Qualified or Competitive Admission - which one is your program?
- 1st Applied - In this system, applicants who meet minimum entrance requirements are admitted according to the date of their application.
- Competitive - most popular and high demand programs follow this system. These programs establish a base line academic average for acceptance and may also include non-academic criteria. Letters of Conditional Acceptance are sent.
- Early Admission - UofC - present final grade 11 average in 4 faculty specific courses required for admission - varies by program. See Career Center for information. Deadline: Dec. 15th
- Early Admission - Grade 11 marks Standard Admission - January marks Final Admission - June marks
- Most University Programs are open as of October 1st
- for AB Programs use
- check out ApplyAlberta
* Once you have a login, be sure to check back to university website/email for updates - they will send them to you there
* Do not use ApplyAlberta to update marks once submitted, update at specific universities using your log in
- other provinces may have a portal as well or apply directly to the institution (See Career Center for info)
- USA schools use
- Apply for Residence at the same time as you do the school, unless specified
- Scholarships - some schools have a separate application form and deadline
- Dec. 15th Deadline to apply for Entrance Leadership & Scholastic Distinction
- Competitive Admission Programs have an early close date
- Nursing - Feb. 1st (MRU, UofC) March 1st (UofL, Red Deer)
- Midwifery - Feb. 1st (MRU)
- Business - March 1st (UofC)
- Engineering - Feb. 28th (Red Deer), March 1st (UofL), May 1st (Med Hat)
- RDC-BSc Engineering transfer program 50% seats will be 1st qualified, 50% of seats will be competitive
- CHECK YOUR PROGRAM for Deadline or see Mrs. Wilhelm for help
- Offer Acceptance Deadline : Please check - some are May 1, some may be June 1st
- Final Document Deadline: August 1st - *this means no Aug. Exam rewrites accepted (EXCEPTION: St. Mary's University College WILL accept summer school courses)
The primary goal is to ensure all students have their required courses and a balanced timetable. If a student has a balanced schedule with the courses required, that is considered a complete timetable.
During the first week of each semester, all students will be called down by Grade to meet with Guidance and/or Administration to make timetable changes as needed. Teacher/friend requests will not be considered.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this busy time.
The Guidance Team