English 9 Course Outline

English 9 – Course Outline




General Outcomes:  In this course students will


LISTEN          SPEAK           READ             WRITE            VIEW              REPRESENT


To demonstrate and improve skills in the following:

Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas feelings and experiences

Outcome 2: Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively

Outcome 3: Manage ideas and information

Outcome 4: Create oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts, and enhance the artistry of communication

Outcome 5: Respect, support and collaborate with others


Course Content:


  1. Integrated thematic literature units in which you will read various styles and genres such as the short story, poetry, fiction and non-fiction
  2. Media units in which you will study film and visual techniques
  3. Shakespearean Drama – Romeo and Juliet
  4. Writing tasks that focus on specific forms, such as personal response, critical response, narrative/essay writing, business letter writing, creative writing
  5. Cross-Curricular work with Social Studies 9



Final marks are a blend of the course work and final examination.


Course work        80%                Final Exam    20%

Materials Required Every Day:

  1. Computer
  2. Binder to contain reference materials, notes, paper, etc.
  3. Various writing utensils


Classroom Expectations

  • Be On Time – When the bell rings, class starts. Students who arrive after the bell habitually will have their parents contacted and will have to make up for missed work at another time with Mr. Talen.
  • Be Prepared – Most days you’ll need more than just your physical body in the classroom. Always bring all of your class materials (computer, books, folder/binder, pen/pencil)
  • Be Aware: Put assignment deadlines on your calendar. Check out PowerSchool regularly. Anticipate seasons of busyness.
  • Ask! Be okay with asking questions and do so with confidence (at least 10% of people have the same question you do!)
  • Food: In moderation and as long as you share… (leave a mess though and it will all be over…)
  • Respect – Students, material, property, building, teacher, opinions
  • Absent from classyou are responsible for the material you have missed, ask classmates (and Mr. Talen) for help. If you know you’ll be gone, let Mr. Talen know.
  • Phones/Devices/Computers – Mr. Talen views these as incredible tools for learning! If they enhance your learning and the time is appropriate, use ‘em! If you’re asked to put them away, please respect the request.
  • Your task: When in school, your job is being a full time student. Take your job seriously and find the joy in it!
  • Seasonal allowances: I understand that class will continue on your good days and bad days, but I can’t accommodate for you if you don’t let me know what is going on. Talk to me, I have two ears – I’m here for you.
  • Extensions: I’m okay with this once in a while, but only if you’ve planned ahead. Coming to me the day before an assignment is due generally will not cut it.


Being organized, prepared, and on time with your assignments is expected. You will be held accountable for work that is not submitted. All student work is held in accordance with the CHS English Department Assignment Policy https://docs.google.com/a/rvschools.ab.ca/document/d/1AyJgtLc7sgopIK0RMbXfwCXu62Qm1bYFkpFqUJKano0/edit?usp=sharing

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